Its been one of thoes weeks. I worked all week (which is just draining). Most days Jacob wouldn't go down for a nap unless I slept with him (which is fine with me). So now I have the weekend off. Yay. Softball practice on Sunday, Jesse was off today but went and worked on some guy's boat. He makes $25 an hour for doing it, so thats nice. We still owe Avista $541. Ugh. So Jesse called and talked to them and we can pay them $135 a month PLUS our current energy bill. There is really no way we can afford that but we will do what we have to do.
Right now I am just folding laundry, changed the sheets on our bed and Jacob's bed. My mom found him nice SOFT sheets! Yay for Grandma, he is going to love them.
We are trying to rent out the spare bedroom in our house. We could use the extra money. I sat down the other night and I figured that we are $30,000 in debt. Thats horrible. Thats cars, medical, loans, credit cards and other crap. Just crap. I want to see it all gone in two years. I know thats a short time frame but I NEED it to be gone. Its ridiculas that its that bad.
So I am cleaning the house and trying to sell what we don't need, getting rid of other things. Just trying to do what I can. Budgeting. Thats a big one. And only going to the grocery store when we really need it.
Well I am off to finish cleaning my house. :)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
So I was going to update yesterday but I had a major headache and was going to bed asap!
I babysat a little girl yesterday. It was fun. Totally gave me some insight on being a mom to a toddler and an infant. I can't tell you how many times I said "leave the baby alone" or "be nice to the baby". :) I have a lot more respect for moms that have their kids close in age.
We started cloth diapers yesterday. We will still do disposables at night (I've become accustomed to having my sleep back), but so far I like it. And so does Jesse. Jacob is not so sure, since now he KNOWS he is wet! I am going to go to a local store today and see about more liners and covers.
We got part of our refund back and I have already spent half of it. But I was responsible and paid two bills. :)
Softball hopefully starts next Sunday. Unless it is raining again. Stupid rain, eventhough it is better than the snow.
Jacob is growing like a weed! Thank goodness for craigslist and such. And good sales.
Not much else is going on. I have to work today. Which should be interesting. I have to work closely with a young girl who does NOT like me. Not that I am there to make friends. Yes, it does make things nicer but if I have done nothing for you to not like me than you need to get over yourself.

Mommy's Little Flirt!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Saturday March 14
Since everyone I know has a blog, I figured it was time for me to get one to.
We have been doing a whole lot of nothing. I went to work, for a few days a week. Not liking it much. I wish I was home with Jacob more. And when I went back to work, I had to stop nursing. I miss it so much. I hate that we were only able to do it for a short period of time. On the plus side, no more nursing pads.
Jesse and I discussed (and have been discussing) our marriage. I have been too distant since the baby was born. And he hasn't been involved enough. We began reading "the proper care and feeding of marriage" by Dr Laura. And so far we are both really impressed and we have seen a change in our relationship. We make more time for eachother. We are move loving towards eachother. There are many things that have improved in such a short period of time.
I can't wait for our lease to be up and for us to find a new place to live. The heating here bites. It is still SO freaking COLD! I want winter to be over and done with!
Today I bought Jacob some new cloth diapers. I can't wait to try them out!
And he has a bouncer and I (and him) are in love with it. It would be nice to be home more so he could us it more.
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