Friday, June 5, 2009

When it rains is pours, and then there is a rainbow

Last night I discovered $87 in overdraft charges on my bank account. Are you freaking kidding me??? Then before I went to bed (at 12:30) I checked Jacob (like always) and he was burning up. Not wanting to wake him, I used the paci thermometer that we have. 103.4! So Jess and I work him up to take his temp up the bum, and it was 101.9. So into the ER we went.

Well after he was poked and prodded like no other, we were sent home (4:30am) and told to follow up with our doctor in the morning. So after less than 4 hours of sleep both Jacob and I are awake and trying to figure out when we are going in to the Dr.

And I got my account straight. I was not the one who did the overdrafts (not my fault), it was a banking error and so the fees were reversed. :)

Also we found out that Jacob has an ear infection. Thats why his white count was 15,000 (a bit on the highside for infants but still within normal). So now we are getting his Rx filled.

Tmobile rocks! I wasn't going to have enough this payday to pay them and get Jacob's Rx. So I called them and they asked if we could put $20 towards the bill, I said yes and I can pay the remainder on the 18th without any penlties!

That makes me happy! So it was a rough night but today wasn't too bad. Just stressing how we are going to pay everything. Ugh.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your rough day! Hoping Jacob has a speed recovery!

    And AWESOME that Tmobile worked with you like that! Who knew a cell phone company could be cool?

  2. I figured with the economy the way it is, they might work with me since I have ALWAYS paid them on time. :)
