Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday March 14

Since everyone I know has a blog, I figured it was time for me to get one to.

We have been doing a whole lot of nothing. I went to work, for a few days a week. Not liking it much. I wish I was home with Jacob more. And when I went back to work, I had to stop nursing. I miss it so much. I hate that we were only able to do it for a short period of time. On the plus side, no more nursing pads.

Jesse and I discussed (and have been discussing) our marriage. I have been too distant since the baby was born. And he hasn't been involved enough. We began reading "the proper care and feeding of marriage" by Dr Laura. And so far we are both really impressed and we have seen a change in our relationship. We make more time for eachother. We are move loving towards eachother. There are many things that have improved in such a short period of time.

I can't wait for our lease to be up and for us to find a new place to live. The heating here bites. It is still SO freaking COLD! I want winter to be over and done with!

Today I bought Jacob some new cloth diapers. I can't wait to try them out!

And he has a bouncer and I (and him) are in love with it. It would be nice to be home more so he could us it more.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely don't think you're the only one feeling some distance, I love my husband very much but lately we spend zero time together, due to both of us being tired, or him working and going to school, or me having so much to do around our house and getting little help from him when he is home. I do wish he would get more involved in caring for our son, it would help out so much if he could just spend 30 minutes a day with him.
