Monday, March 16, 2009

So I was going to update yesterday but I had a major headache and was going to bed asap!

I babysat a little girl yesterday. It was fun. Totally gave me some insight on being a mom to a toddler and an infant. I can't tell you how many times I said "leave the baby alone" or "be nice to the baby". :) I have a lot more respect for moms that have their kids close in age.

We started cloth diapers yesterday. We will still do disposables at night (I've become accustomed to having my sleep back), but so far I like it. And so does Jesse. Jacob is not so sure, since now he KNOWS he is wet! I am going to go to a local store today and see about more liners and covers.

We got part of our refund back and I have already spent half of it. But I was responsible and paid two bills. :)

Softball hopefully starts next Sunday. Unless it is raining again. Stupid rain, eventhough it is better than the snow.

Jacob is growing like a weed! Thank goodness for craigslist and such. And good sales.

Not much else is going on. I have to work today. Which should be interesting. I have to work closely with a young girl who does NOT like me. Not that I am there to make friends. Yes, it does make things nicer but if I have done nothing for you to not like me than you need to get over yourself.

Mommy's Little Flirt!

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