Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Divorce was not supposed to be an option

Its sad but we are starting to talk divorce. We are four days away from being married a year and divorce is starting to become an option.

He just doesn't get it. I get so irritated that he can't handle simple tasks. I cleaned my desk before I left on vacation. Told him his car payment needed mailed (I was gone Friday through Wednesday), filled it out, and put it in the envelope and left it on the desk (along with his mother's mother's day card). I told him to mail it. Got back Wednesday evening... and guess what?? It hadn't been mailed. I wasn't asking for a lot.

And it seems like all we do is fight. He feels like he can never make me happy and all I want from him is the truth. And I can't even get that. He lies to me. Not even about big things. But no matter, he still lies to me.

So I have to figure out if he is going to work at this with me or if I should just throw in the towel now before I start to hate him. If it ever comes to that.

And more than anything I want him to trust me. He doesn't. But if you screw him, he just keeps coming back for more. And the lying. He doesn't trust me so he lies to me. This breaks my heart more than anything. His actions say you are good enough to fuck, but not good enough to be trusted with my heart. I have never lied to him, I have never mislead him and until now, I have never not trusted him (even though he has done things that don't deserve me to trust him).

He is on his way home now to talk about this. We are looking very hard at not being together anymore. (btw, I HATE dating)


  1. (((((HUGS))))) I'm so sorry you're going through this! I hope you guys can work this out. I'll keep you in my PPT.

  2. *hugs* I'll be thinking of you.

  3. I'm so sorry, Lacey! I'm thinking about you & really hope you guys can get through this rough patch!!!
